Book Analysis of the Week: E-myth Revisited

Want to be successful? Find your primary aim in life, work toward it each day, and make sure all you do is in line with that aim.

E-myth Revisited is primarily a business book, but like all great books, has application in other aspects of life. At least read the first few chapters if you are not going into business.

The author covers how a big problem so many of us have is that what we do day to day has NOTHING to do with what our primary aim in life is.

Further, most of us have never bothered to figure out what our primary aim in life is. Much less, how that aim relates to any work we do.

This is one of the major reasons why so many of us are dissatisfied. We do not know what we are doing or why, so we float around with whatever comes our way.

Our profession might pay well, but we are unhappy because it does not match up with who we are and what we want out of life.

Primary Aim: “Great people have a vision of their lives, and they go to work towards that every day, and every single day they are measuring what they’re doing according to this ultimate vision for their lives.”

Business development program steps:
1 – Develop primary aim
2 – Strategic Objective
3 – Organizational strategy
4 – Management strategy
5 – Marketing strategy
6 – Systems strategy

In each of these steps, they always match up with your primary aim, which is why it is first.

What many of us do is work hard, starting at #2. This is fine, and we may be successful, but it leaves our lives out of balance, resulting in unhappiness if not failure.

By really and truly nailing down what we want out of life, we satisfy the inner person as well as the external.

In addition, you know where you are going each day. You can assess all matters in life as you have a reference, a guidepost. You are then able to look at everything that comes you way and check “Does this facilitate my primary aim in life?”.

This is what enables you to really go from good to great. By doing this, we can come up with priorities and better assess what we should be doing and importantly, not doing.

So get started today. Figure out how you want to live your life. What does your ideal day or week or month look like? What are you doing? Who are you doing it with?

It cannot be just making money. It has to be something deeper and more meaningful. Money is a tool that enable us to do those things that fulfill the primary aim in life. It is not an end. Everyone from Tony Robbins to Tim Ferriss to Jesus recognized this truth.

As always, we have the life and government we deserve.


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