The Bulwark against Factions has been destroyed

The Bulwark against Factions

Perhaps the greatest political innovation from America was allowing diverse interests to flourish. The result was a dilution of the efforts of any one faction to gain the upper hand. All coalitions would then be unable to create a Tyranny of the majority.

James Madison and the founding fathers created the American innovation promoting a multiplicity of interest groups to compete against one another. By creating a government in this manner, competing interests cancel each other out preventing a Tyranny of the Majority. This was our defence against factions, and it has been destroyed.

Preventing the Tyranny of the Majority

One of the great concerns of the founding fathers was a tyranny of the majority. James Madison was not alone in concluding from his studies that they must guard against the failures of many democracies.  

By creating the government the way they did, all interest groups from east to west from north to south from the merchants to the agricultural people balanced each other out. By not favoring one group they secured the liberty of America up until the present day. It is wonder to behold.

Now we have two Factions

What happened in the past 20 or 30 years is all of these interest groups previously competing with one another have coalesced into two factions. It’s no longer the case that somebody creates a coalition of all these different groups of such diverse interest.

On down the line of every single issue, everything we do, everything that you say is a mark of your side. The glasses worn, the shoes, jeans, hair, vocabulary, even the food eaten are all statements of one’s allegiance.  

Why every election carries more weight

This is why every single time there is another election. It’s ratcheted up to a very high level. it’s not just social media. We no longer have the balancing of interest to make these election victories not seem as apocalyptic. Geography, class, religion, ethnicity, unions, job, and other factors no longer balance each side.

Today, every time a party wins it seems like the end of the world because an entire side has triumphed over another side. Previously, each “side” housed so many interests that it blunted the edge of a win. Now, one faction triumphs at the expense of the other side.

The problem is that our nation was not constructed the government was not created to handle these two competing factions. It was created for multiple diverse interest groups around the country to compete with one another.

Homogenization of the People

The perspectives of the people from Michigan we’re not supposed to be similar to those in California, Texas and Florida. The interest of people in Idaho were not supposed to be almost identical with those from Alabama or Mississippi. 

Technology and globalization have all contributed to the homogenization of the world and America. With homogenization, we have now coalesced into two groups for the most part. The Blue and the Red. Our nation was not constructed for two groups.

In sum, our government was not built to handle a people so closely alike. A quick overview of Madison intent sheds light on the subject.

Federalist No. 10

“The Federalist No. 10” by James Madison advocates for a large, diverse republic with a system of representative democracy. The founders believed that this would prevent the destructive influence of factions and to safeguard the rights of all citizens.

Take a look at the highlights below to see my point. The difference between the nation as intended and where we are today. The lights are blinking RED and all you can do is get angry at “them”.

Highlights of The Federalist No. 10

Factions and their dangers: Madison addressed the issue of factions, which he defines as groups of citizens with different interests and passions. He argues that factions are natural but can be detrimental to the stability and well-being of the country.

Causes of factions: Madison identifies two main sources of factions: differences in opinion arising from the various forms of government and distribution of wealth and property.

The danger of majority factions: Madison was concerned about the potential tyranny of the majority when it comes to making decisions that could harm the rights of minority groups. A key here is that a minority is ANY group not holding power.

Solution – A large republic: Madison argued that a large, diverse republic is better equipped to control the negative effects of factions compared to a small, homogeneous society. In a large republic, it is less likely for a single faction to gain control and dominate the government.

Representation and the delegation of power: Madison believed in the importance of electing individuals to represent the interests of the people. He believed it allowed for a broader range of perspectives and would prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a few.

Filtering the public’s will: Madison contended that elected representatives act as filters for the public’s will, providing a check on hasty or ill-considered decisions. They are less susceptible to the influence of fleeting passions and more likely to make informed choices for the greater good.

Avoiding direct democracy: Madison criticized direct democracies, where citizens make decisions directly through majority rule, as they can be influenced and manipulated by factions, leading to instability and inefficiency.

The destructive influence of factions is here

We have succumbed to the destructive influence of factions. Each time one faction gains power, they exercise that power for their side alone. This is why each election or appointment carries so much weight as each of us feels that they will not work to our benefit as a whole.

We cannot keep doing this. We cannot continue in this way for much longer. I have serious doubts as to the ability of either faction to solve this problem. Think beyond your favored and hated side for one moment to understand that we have reached a crossroads.

We have but two choices:

A) We recognize the danger and come together while forcing the parties to stop the factionalism and govern for all

B) We pursue a different way – By so doing, the factions wake up or successfully dislodge their stranglehold

As always, we have the life and government we deserve

Further Reading

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